realize your human potential
live in Empowered Maturity™
What is Empowered Maturity™?Empowered Maturity™ is your destiny. It is the opposite of dis-empowered immaturity. There is nothing wrong with dis-empowered immaturity: that is how we all began life. Infants are immature and powerless. |
But your destiny is to grow and develop
into your full potential: into an empowered, mature, adult individual. Biological maturity is automatic. Empowered Maturity™ is not. It depends on a set of ideal developmental conditions for which most of us had to compensate during our formative years. |
Biological maturity is automatic. |
Mental health and psychological well-being are inversely related to those developmental compensations,
which range from self-defeating beliefs, reactive emotions, patterns of behavior, to substance and process addictions, and other mental health diagnoses. |
How to Reach for itEmpowered Maturity™ is a counseling technology developed by Patrick Hentsch that helps clients to identify and understand how your developmental compensations have been obstructing the actualization of your full potential in your life; and to learn and develop customized Empowered Maturity™ skills with which to replace your self-limiting approaches to life. |
If you are unable to choose your responses to life,
If you are unable to respond to your own choices, If you're generating effects in your life that you didn't intend, If you cannot bear to feel the rawness of being alive, |
If you are a slave to your habits,
If your life feels unmanageable, If life is happening to you instead of with you, If life feels like something you want to escape, |
If you feel like your own worst enemy,
If the problems you face feel too disheartening, If you wonder how you ended up so far from your own dreams, If you are tired of trying to avoid the experience of your own existence, |
The Mission
to Help You Access Your Highest Potential. |
A New Approach
Empowered Maturity™ is a systematic and thorough model of human development and functioning that allows your counselor to incisively identify the source of your present-life difficulties, and to offer practical, relevant counseling interventions that show you the way to becoming your most empowered self.
Purposeful Counseling
Empowered Maturity™ makes it possible for counseling to be very purposeful and targeted by evaluating the client's goals and progress with a proprietary assessment instrument developed by Patrick Hentsch, the Developmental Maturity and Adaptive Personality Compensations Inventory™.
Insight & Transformation
The Empowered Maturity™ model is a highly comprehensive and applicable theory of our human experience and our human potential. It provides a rich philosophical base from which very practical applications emerge, that guide us in conducting our lives effectively, meaningfully, and joyfully.